Hoteles y alojamientos similares
Productos y servicios
Explotacion y gestión hotelera.
Hoteles y alojamientos similares
Restaurantes y puestos de comidas
Hoteles y alojamientos similares
Restaurantes y puestos de comidas
Hotels and similar accommodation
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
The company is engaged in the ownership and operation of hotels and motels. The company was incorporated in 2000. The registered head office of the company is located in Sevilla, Spain. The company specializes in the provision of a wide range of services, including food and beverage services, recreational services, laundry services, conference rooms and other facilities and convention services, parking and other related services, and Internet connectivity. The company is also active in the provision of additional common features found in a hotel, such as telephones, refrigerators, alarm clocks, and televisions. Its facilities are open to the general public.